Enrolment and Waiting List
Register for our Waiting List
Families are welcome to register their interest in enrolling their child at our service to secure your ranking on the waiting list. Joining our waiting list is free of charge and there are no obligations for you. If your child is not yet born please enter TBA in the child's name section and the expected date of birth.
Registered families will receive regular email news and updates. Please note that there may be wait times for a placement which will depend on availability in your child's age group, our Priority of Access Guidelines, your preferred start date and booking pattern. Please contact our Centre Director for more details.
For fee information please click here.
Priority of Access
Froebel and the University of Melbourne have agreed to offer Priority of Access to available childcare places to
- full-time or part-time employees of a Melbourne Connect precinct tenant/employer who are based at Melbourne Connect OR to current users of the precinct co-working space operated by JLL/CIVIS under a fixed lease agreement of 12+ months (1st Priority); AND
- full-time or part-time employees and students of the University of Melbourne who are not based at Melbourne Connect (2nd Priority)
Excess capacity will be made available to the wider community. For details, please refer to the Priority of Access Policy.